All contents of the site www.siviglia.com are the exclusive property of Eagle s.r.l., headquartered in Umbertide (PG), postal code 06019, Italy, Tel. +39 0759410340; REA PG – 359340; CF and P. IVA 03872030543, share capital € 300,000.00, e-mail info@siviglia.com and are protected by national and international laws.
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The information and data contained within the site www.siviglia.com have been checked with the greatest care. We apologize in advance for any inaccuracies and we would ask users to email addresses listed below so we can make adjustments. The user, upon registration, agrees also that Eagle Srl is not responsible in any way, directly or indirectly, for any damages of any nature or type suffered by you or any other person, while browsing and browsing the site www.siviglia.com and in relation to any ensuing initiatives in which the user may decide to participate.
We remind all users that they are liable for the accuracy and integrity of information that will be included in the website www.siviglia.com. The user has explicitly authorized addressees of this information, together with the release of the same, to their treatment, according to the legal provisions.
In addition, when you register, Eagle Srl informs the user, who is therefore aware, its non-involvement with any other sites to which you can access using links on the portal. Therefore, Eagle Srl disclaims any liability with regard to their contents, and is in no way liable for damages of any nature or type suffered by you or any other person in relation to their use or from what they offer .
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